Grow Your Own Nutrition – Human Health Starts in the Soil
Human Health
Starts In The Soil

A garden program that transforms your soil to grow exquisite-tasting,
nutritionally dense food with healing benefits for mind and body.
Welcome to
Grow Your Own Nutrition
Grow Your Own Nutrition (GYON) is about enabling you - the home gardener - optimize the quality of your soil so that it can produce the most nourishing foods possible for you and your family. GYON provides “nature's recipe” for you to grow nutrient dense foods by first cultivating the exact conditions for ideal soil - without quick fixes or unnatural additives. As the nutrient and mineral pattern of your soil improves, so does the nutrient density and flavor of your produce - leading to delicious, more nourishing food.
Helpful Videos
Blog Posts
August 24, 2020

Nature’s Pattern to Build Soil

Dr. Carey Reams strongly admonished his students to “see what you look at.” This is valuable advice I try to follow—especially when I am out in […]
August 11, 2020

Genetic Potential

What is the genetic potential of plants? What is the maximum brix of a tomato? What is the theoretical yield potential of green beans or a […]
July 31, 2020

Soil Degradation vs. Soil Building

Soil degradation is all around us, almost everywhere we look. It is happening in the tropics, in the deserts, and even on productive land. Early pioneers […]
Free Tutorial
You can grow the most exquisite
tasting food in the world!
I will teach you how in 15 easy steps.
Jon Frank

Jon Frank was born with an appreciation for the soil. In fact, he believes this was instilled in him when his mother worked in her own garden very later in her pregnancy. Whatever influence that may have had, his earliest memories are of working alongside his mother in the garden.

She gave him his own plot to tend to by the time he'd turned four, and from the moment he started gardening he realized that he was drawn not only to the plants themselves but also to the soil they were growing in.

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